Girls Who Code Concord


Concord Girls Who Code is a club program for the national Girls Who Code organization, hosted by Concord Public Library, in Massachusetts, where young girls take on obstacles of coding to defy gender barriers, and help the face of computer science. Each year we make life-changing projects to help the environment and the people we live with. We all work together, as a club, and a group, to make these websites and apps that we are proud of. Oh, and We Code Like Girls, So Try To Keep Up! - Concord Girls Who Code #GirlPower


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Club Interviews!

"I like how girls can learn to code and coding is fun. I also made lots of friends at girls who code" "I love Girls who Code because I learn so much, and I love meeting with all of the girls every week. #GirlsCanCode" -Aarya

"I like Girls who code because that you have freedom here to do what you like to do in coding." -Ellie

"I like Girls who code because it teach me that not boys can do code but Girls can do coding or anything!" -Brielle

"I like Girls who code because I have met awesome girls who are fearless and will try new things." -Teresa, (Club Facilitator) "I love Girls Who Code because we learn not only coding but trust and friendship. We work together and make this through strong. #Superwomen!" -Brielle

"I love Girls Who Code, because we always come up with cool project ideas and have fun doing it together! #GirlCreativity" -Teresa, (Club Facilitator)

"I like girls who code because it teaches me things I didnt think I could learn. " -Faith

"I like how girls can learn how to code and we have lots of fun at GWC! "GWC doesn’t only teach you coding, it teaches you how to connect with friends. I love the girls here.#GirlPower " - Arnavi

"I love seeing the cool projects the girls make and watching them grow into competent, confident coders." - Sophia (Club Facilitator)

"I enjoy spending my time around peers who share the same passion of CS as me!" - Hannah (Teen Club Facilitator) "I love Girls Who Code because it gives me joy to empower these young girls and reveal where the future of STEM is headed" - Hannah (Teen Club Facilitator)

"Girls Who Code really helped me see the power of girls, and women, and also acquire free snacks.#GirlPower" -Tasheen

"This year, I have watched them learn new languages, get to know each other, and figure out how to work together all online. I'm so proud of the work the club has done." -Dorrie, (Librarian/Facilitator) "Girls Who Code just gets better and better! I’m so impressed with the club members’ creativity, kindness, and collaboration." -Dorrie, (Librarian/Facilitator)

"It was so much fun working with other girls on a project! GWC is a great place for me to socialize and learn!" -Lisa

"I love helping empower the next generation of women in technology." -Stella (Club Facilitator)

"I like girls who code because we always do something new." -Shivani

"Being part of Girls Who Code is fun and supportive. We all help each other learn and be creative together. Every year we learn new skills beyond coding such as project planning, writing, video editing, hardware, software, and design." -Caroline (Club Facilitator) "When I first joined GWC, I didn’t like to code. Now, I love it. #GirlsLoveCode" -Maya

"I love GWC because I love meeting with everyone and also in person." -Alice


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